Please find below the answers to questions you may have (or that we have been asking ourselves). In case you cannot find your answer (or the right question), contact us at info@icebergeffects.nl and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Do I get any warranty on the pedals I buy?

Yes, you do. Even though we build our pedals with a lot of care and attention and design them to last forever, it may happen that parts fail. We don't like it, you don't like it. But we are here to help. You get a two year waranty on every Iceberg Effects pedal, starting from the moment of purchase. Costs for shipping the pedal to us are for the buyer, we pay for shipping the pedal back to you. If the pedal fails wihtin the first month after purchase, shipping costs for returning the pedal is covered by us.

Please note that cosmetic damage as a result of use (damaged paint, broken knobs) is not covered in the warranty. Damage caused by using the wrong power supply (too high voltage, wrong polarity) is also not covered in the warranty.


Can I try the pedal before buying it?

No better way to find out if a pedal is for you than trying it out. Unfortunately we are just as small company and we don't sell our pedals in any shop. If you want to come over to Eindhoven and try out our pedals, you are more than welcome (do bring your own guitar though, unless you are left handed, too :) )

What if I buy a pedal and I don't like it?

Even though we believe in our products and we think you will love them too, it can happen that the pedal you bought is not for you.

It doesn't go well with your other pedals? It's not great with the amp you are using? The colors are not as vivid as you hoped them to be?

In that case you can send the pedal back to us, within two weeks after receiving it. Please get in contact with us in advance to let us know you will be returning the pedal. Shipping costs for returning the pedal are to be paid by you. After we receive the pedal and find it in the same condition as in which we sent it to you, we will refund you the money. 

Why is there no manual inside the box?

Because people don't read them? All joking aside, you can find the manuals of our products on the respective product pages. That way, you can always find it easily (instead of going through piles of paper) and we can make sure the manual is up to date, in case any updates are needed. Also, it saves paper. That's good. 

What's up with the pink bubble plastic in the box?

No, it's not our favorite color. We receive the enclosures in this plastic from our supplier. And although building and selling pedals is not exactly good for the environment, we do try to limit our impact so we choose to reuse the plastic when we ship it to you.